Where are you?

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suchi hati
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Where are you?

Post by suchi hati »

Where is everyone ? Seems like everyone missed the switch over..........
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Post by kungfujoe »

Looks like this might apply to two users (Sifu Guro Dan Donzella and Mesozoid), one of whom I believe is new to the forum.

Also, I haven't tried it yet, but I installed a mod that's supposed to allow people to request another activation email, so if it got marked as SPAM and you deleted it, you should be able to attempt to log in and request another activation email.

Most of the people from the old forum haven't created accounts at all. I suspect that some people just don't check the forum all that often, and haven't tried logging back on. The old forum directs people to come here, so even if they try logging in there, they'll be told to come on over here.
Erik Harris
Chinese-Indonesian Martial Arts Club

"A man's not a man when he takes the lower road,
Dragging his tail to cover his tracks" -dTb